But First. Let me take a Selfie


Selfie City makes claims that less selfies are taken than assumed and mostly images are taken of food, cats, cars, houses, and friends. While analyzing selfies between 5 cities (Bangkok, Berlin, New York, Sao Paulo, and Moscow, they claim that more young women around the age of 24 years take the most selfies and tend to pose more expressively.

Teen Vogue makes claims that once called "self portraits" became popularized due to the invention of I Phone 4 (with a front facing camera) and social media. The obsession with selfies expose the need to be noticed. With the mask of social media sites, people can show the ideal image of themselves and build self esteem.

This connects to readings we've gone over in class For example: Croteau explains that media texts can be seen as key sites where basic social norms are created.The term SELFIE once unknown is now a word in the dictionary and socially accepted by our president, celebs, and neighborhood.

Now that I think about it, I take a selfie almost every day (If I could get a great picture out of the bunch OR find some great lighting). It is true that some cannot survive a day without them. Our phones have camera, as well as tablets, laptops, and their always available. You can even take pictures on display phones visiting your local T-mobile store.

The media sells ideas & products: Even the selfie and I Phone 4 with the MOST convenient camera. Since selfies are taken by our youth, the discourses about youth define teens as a category separate from others. Teens feel happier about themselves online because they are not able to express themselves in other ways, especially in a society where they are labeled. I think the Teen Vogue article speaks to the ways people feel, but are scared to admit. Social media has become embedded in my life to the point where I glorify images I take rather than how I look in person. I do think personally I look better in pictures. This says something about how the cultural phenomenon of selfies are really shaping our perception of beauty and at the same time hurting self-esteem.

 Things to talk about in class:
- How many selfies do you take a day? 

  • I think pictures were more valuable back in those days when my family used Kodak cameras with disposable films. We actually have these pictures stored in our family album's, now that we have shifted to technology and I Phones without memory cards (now in a ICloud somewhere?), how will these memories be obtained for the next generation? Those times when you think about looking at family photos repeatedly overtime. I believe it is a peace of mind and I'm a little worried that children in future generations won't have that same experience.


  1. I agree with what you said about pictures being more valuable back in the days. However, I think they are still valuable today. But with the new technology today its not really needed to develop photos because it can be stored on your phone such as iCloud or even a google account that you will have. Photos are a great way to create memories.

    Great job!

  2. I love the meme you posted about the mirror, camera and filters because its just too true! Selfies can be about self expression and self love but unfortunately that can become lost in like type of technology we have now to alter photos

  3. I love that you pointed out how selfies are still a business venture. Like you said, by saying selfies are essential, that makes it so phone companies can label their next gadget as essential. Really nice post.


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